Pool Time

Pool Time

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Insecurity blanket

First of all, I can get the weigh-in out of the way...215.6. So, I'm losing about a pound a week. At this rate, I'll reach my target weight sometime next year. Great. I need to pick up the pace. I have barely managed to reach my workout goals: last week I marched around the house for 15-20 minutes on Monday and Wednesday, and Friday all I did was 50 crunches. Monday of this week I marched for almost 30 minutes; today I haven't done anything yet. There is roll class tonight for the local paddling club, but I don't think I'm going to go; I have to tutor until the time roll class starts, and if you factor in the time it would take to get there and get home in time to get Brendan to bed by 10, I'd only be there for an hour or so. Not sure if I want to go pay $10 for just that. I might wait until I have a clear evening, maybe one when Ross can go too. Then we can take Brendan with us and maybe get him into a swimming pool for the first time. Not sure yet.

Anyway, I need to make sure I work out at some point today, at least for a few minutes. Also, I need to be better about food. I've fallen back into some bad food habits. Part of my problem is that I'm still eating like I did when I was pregnant, in other words, I'm eating everything and lots of it. I know I need to make sure I'm eating enough to keep my milk production up, but I need to start being choosier about what I select to eat. I've eaten a lot of candy, cake, and ice cream lately, and that's not a good idea for any kind of weight loss program. I need to monitor my portion sizes as well.

As far as the boy goes, he's just a-growing away. I don't have any kind of official measurements, so I don't know where he is on the scale, but I'm a little disappointed in some of his milestones. A friend of mine has a baby boy who was due the day after Brendan but was born several weeks later. Despite the fact he's a few weeks younger, he's bigger (both longer and heavier), his head is bigger, and he's already rolled over from tummy to back. Brendan hasn't rolled over at all, and while he smiles a fair amount he hasn't laughed at all, at least not that I've heard. So it makes me feel like we're behind in some race. I know that's stupid, and I know babies all develop at a different pace, but it bothers me that Brendan isn't keeping up with a kid who is several weeks younger. It's not a competition, but it does make me feel like somehow I'm not doing enough to work on his developmental skills. How insecure am I?

Anyway, we just need to keep on going. Hopefully we'll get a roll over soon. Also, we're about to the point of needing to give up the swaddling for good. He is regularly getting an arm loose, or at least spending a lot of time fighting to do so. If he starts doing that, and rolling over, we'll definitely have to give it up. I need to do a little prep work for that: the bumper in his crib is missing some ties, so it is loose and not even attached in a few places. If he gets hold of it and pulls it off, well, it would be bad. Gotta get some fabric to make ties for it, ASAP.

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