Pool Time

Pool Time

Monday, September 5, 2016

So much for my plan of blogging more often...

My last post was right before school got out for the summer. It's now been a week and a half since school started again, and I'm only now just posting...so much for my grand plan of posting more regularly and more often. Oh well.

Weigh-in: 185.8. This is about 1.5 lbs up from yesterday, but we had a pretty epic cheat day yesterday, hosting a fantasy football draft party at our house. I still feel like I ate better and less than I historically would have at such an event, but I certainly didn't stick to the low carb plan. I feel a bit lethargic and bloated today, and I'm sure that has something to do with it. I probably should do a fat fast this week. I'll wait and see if I drop some water weight this week before doing anything specific.

I'm about a month and a half from doing this low carb diet for a full year. I have to admit, this has been the only diet I've ever stuck to. But it's pretty clear that my weight loss has slowed significantly. I hit 185 back in mid July, and two months later I'm still at approximately the same weight. I need to make some changes, and I'm pretty sure those changes are going to have to come in the form of physical activity.

It isn't that I haven't been active; I walk (with a slight bit of jogging) between 2.5-3 miles most mornings. But obviously that isn't make a significant impact. Last summer I was doing the same thing, and didn't lose any weight at all until we made the dietary change. So I need to figure out something else. Most of what I read suggests that weights and intervals are the way to go. With the weather changing and getting icky outside (snow closed the mountain passes yesterday), I wonder if I should consider a treadmill...

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