Pool Time

Pool Time

Monday, November 3, 2014

Time to start over (again...and again)

Well, my original plan, to be nice and skinny by the time I turned 40, failed.  My birthday was two weeks ago, and here I am, still fat.  The good news is that I am a teeny, tiny bit skinnier than I was.  But it's pretty much just a victory on paper.

Today's weigh-in: 233.4

I am the lightest I've been since...well, I'm not entirely sure when.  Not sure I got this low after having Ian, and pretty sure I was only about five pounds lighter than this after having Brendan.  So I guess that is a good thing.

However, I still have a long, long way to go before I am at a point where I'll feel good about myself (that point is probably anywhere under 175 lbs). 

I pooped out on my working out, after trying to make 30 days in September (which didn't quite happen--I think I made it two weeks).  However, I've got the chance to start over again.  The time change was this past weekend, and unlike spring when we leap forward an hour and stagger around short of sleep, we got an extra hour of sleep when we fell back.  If I can keep getting up at the same time--5 am, which used to be 6 am--and make sure that I go to sleep a bit earlier than I would otherwise, I may be able to maintain my workout schedule.  I didn't accomplish much this morning, just some marching in place, stretching, a few minutes on the elliptical, and some arm weights.  But that still is a good place to start.  I need to rotate the weights, walking, and elliptical, because I got really bored doing just the walking workouts in September.  I have a Belly Blasting walking workout that I still haven't tried, too. 

Also, we are making an effort to eat better.  My husband pointed out that the last time we lost significant weight, in 2005 or so, he was just eating a sandwich or cereal at dinner time (because I was coaching swimming and wasn't home until after 9).  I wasn't necessarily eating that healthy at that point, but I was working out regularly.  We will have to be careful to feed the boys what they need, and try to push veggies and such.  We also need to watch out for the leftover Halloween candy, which we have a ton of.

We have some motivation (although that never seems to matter to me).  We are skiing for the week after Christmas with my in-laws.  I know we won't be skiing all day every day--we have one little one who won't be old enough to do any skiing, and I know Brendan will want to do other things too)--but we need to be in good enough shape to do perhaps half a day each day.  That's a lot, so we need to get on it.  I'd also like to fit into all my ski apparel...

On an unrelated note, we've passed a few milestones lately.  Brendan turned four a couple weeks ago, and he's definitely not a toddler anymore.  He started preschool in September, and he loves it.  I have no idea what he's actually learning, because he doesn't ever tell us anything about school, but in talking to his teacher, he is apparently at least a well-behaved kid at school.  I'm glad, because he is a little turd at home most of the time.  He talks back, tells fibs, and spends a lot of time standing in the corner as punishment.  Ian has finally gotten around to talking.  It's still difficult to tell what he's saying, most of the time, but he babbles a lot and wants to converse.  He loves asking questions.  He's a cute little stinker.  He's started doing some of the two-year-old bratty stuff we saw with Brendan, doing things he knows he's not supposed to do, being a super-picky eater, whining about everything that happens, stuff like that.  I'm just glad he's getting more verbal.  We really worried about his language skills, but he seems to be getting past that.

Anyway, I will try to post more often.  So many goals, so little willpower...

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