Today's weigh-in: 230.4.
Which means the month of August was a total failure. I started at 227, and was supposed to be below 225 by the end of August for a weight loss of at least two pounds. Instead, I gained three.
I'm not entirely sure what happened, other than the fact that I failed at my very first goal of my weight loss journey. I thought it would be easy to lose weight since I started back to work. I figured with general walking around and not having time to snack much that I would be able to lose some weight pretty easily. Apparently I was wrong.
As far as eating goes, I didn't think I'd been eating that badly. Usually I have Carnation Instant Breakfast before leaving the house. Then I'd have "foo-foo" coffee (latte or cappuccino), which might be my downfall. I don't typically order them as nonfat, and I usually get a pretty big one. I can't find a calorie count for the drinks I usually get, but based on the comparable Starbucks drinks I've looked at, I'm probably consuming 500+ calories with each coffee drink. Not good. I need to stop drinking so much coffee. For starters. During the rest of the school day, I typically have a Greek yogurt with fruit on the bottom, a single serving bag of almonds, a single serving container of baby carrots, a granola bar, and maybe a piece of fruit like a plum or a cutie orange. When I get home, I have whatever it is we have for dinner. Sometimes I have ice cream for dessert. But I really wouldn't think that I was eating any more than I had before. So I'm pretty disappointed that I haven't lost weight. I guess the coffee is gonna go, ASAP.
My other goal of the month was a wash-out too. I had hoped that I would have gotten a bit of exercise by now. I had started one of those Couch-to-5K apps, but I haven't gotten more than a few of the workouts for the first week done. And I haven't actually done any since school started. I also thought I would have been walking or biking to work every day, but I haven't done it once.
Man, I suck.
As far as the kids go, they are ok. Brendan is 22 months old, and really wearing us out. He's wild and crazy for sure. I really wish he'd sleep through the night, though. Other than those two weeks or so, right around Ian's birth, he hasn't slept though the night. Usually at least twice one of us has to get up and go after him. Ian, at almost three months, seems to be getting a little better, as far as sleeping goes. He's been going to bed somewhere between 10-11, and sleeping until about 2:30. So that's about 4 hours. After that, it isn't quite as good; the past few nights he hasn't taken another bottle until I've taken him to the sitter's in the morning, but he doesn't sleep quietly--he's pretty squirmy. I don't know if it's reflux or gas or just non-restful sleep, but I tend to wake up and check on him every hour or so. I kind of want to move Ian to his own room, since he's still sleeping in ours, but I'm afraid I won't hear him until he actually starts crying, and that means he might wake Brendan up. Just not sure what to do about that yet.
It's funny to see the difference between the boys. Brendan was a very serious baby, didn't smile much, loved to look around at the scenery, didn't mind riding in the car and actually traveled pretty well, cried when he wanted something (for the most part), needed to be swaddled super tight to get him to sleep at night. Ian smiles all the time, and gurgles and coos at you (which is really darned cute, I have to admit). He could care less about the scenery, but really wants to have someone with him at all times, preferably holding him. He's still kind of colicky (although he does seem to be getting a little better), so there are plenty of times that he cries that we simply have no idea what the problem it. He despises his car seat and usually cries in the car if we're driving somewhere more than just ten or fifteen minutes away. He hates to be swaddled, so he sleeps in a pretty loose swaddle at night with a blanket tucked over him to keep his hands away from his face. They are like night and day in a lot of respects. It will be interesting to see how Ian's personality develops.
Anyway, my goal of losing 20 lbs by the end of the school year (May 31) still stands, but now to do it I'll have to lose a little more than 2 lbs per month. But I still think it's doable. Starting Tuesday, though, I'm going to start walking or riding my bike to school. No more coffee in the mornings, at least, not unless we've had a really, really bad night. I also need to start working with my kettlebell and getting on the elliptical machine downstairs.
In other news, I had an IUD put in back in the middle of August, and I'm still bleeding. My OB did say that it was possible I could bleed/spot for a whole month, but seriously? This sucks. It did seem like part of the past few weeks was my period, since that was due. I am so tired of bleeding! Argh.
Well, that's all I've got for you. I just hope September is a better month than August was...
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