Haven't weighed myself in the past few days, but despite some efforts (not my best, but not my worst either), I don't think I've lost anything. Maybe when school starts next week things will start to progress.
Ian had his two-month checkup last week, and got his first shots (he didn't like them). He was over 12 lbs, and 22 1/2 inches long (so he finally hit the height that big brother was born with). The colic continues. We've tried several different formulas, different bottles, different nipples, probiotic drops, Zantac, tummy rubs, heated tummy wraps, gripe water, simethicone, rocking, swinging, swaddling, shushing...nothing has worked so far. Although maybe it would be a million times worse without all those things. No idea. But it's super frustrating. He's obviously uncomfortable, and there just isn't anything I can do. I guess it's somewhat of a relief that school starts next week. Heck, today is the last day I'm home alone with Ian--Ross has the next two days off, so we'll have a few days of that, and then Monday he'll start at the sitter's. I really hope he is better for her than he is at home, since she'll have five kids to deal with. Yowza.
Brendan's got a cold. Whee. Hopefully he'll get past it, since it's waking him up during the night. I really wish these kids would sleep better. I need some rest, and I'm not likely to get it during the school week. Argh.
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