First, this morning's number: 220.8. I don't seem to be losing any more weight, but I'm not gaining any, either. I'm definitely getting full faster when I eat, and I just don't seem to have any cravings. Food just doesn't sound super appealing these days. I'm also having more morning sickness, as it were, than I did last time. Not that I'm actually getting sick, but when I get up in the mornings I feel that not-quite-nauseated feeling. I usually hold off eating anything until Brendan is out the door to the sitter's. By then I feel a little more confident that anything I eat will stay down. Also, I'm a bit more prone to gagging myself when I brush my teeth. Bleah.
Well, I'm apparently about 10 days further along than I thought. I had an ultrasound on Monday, since I had only a vague idea of when my last period was. Based on the measurements they took of the little peanut (rump to crown and size of the head), they estimated I was approximately 14 weeks and 3 days along, instead of the 13 weeks I thought I was. That knocks 10 days off my due date, moving it up to June 15. It also meant that I couldn't get the ultrascreen done, the testing they did last time for the genetic problems like Downs and Trisomy 13. It makes me a little uneasy that we couldn't get the ultrascreen done (not that it would change anything if we did), but apparently I can get another screening, a blood test, done at around 20 weeks. My next appointment, first one with the doctor, is scheduled for January 16, which would put me at about 18 weeks, so I can probably get the screening scheduled after that.
I've told a few people--a friend whose wife is also due in June, some teachers I work with and a couple classes' worth of students (because they were wondering why I had missed school for a doctor's appointment)--but no family members yet. Almost told my dad last night, since he's not coming for Christmas, but I figured he'd have a hard time not spreading the news, and we want to tell as much of the family as possible on Christmas. I bought a t-shirt for Brendan that says "I'm going to be a big brother", and I think we'll just put him in it on Christmas morning and turn him loose in the house to see who notices first. Should be fun.
Anyway, I'm almost ready for Christmas. Still got a little shopping, a little baking, and a lot of cleaning to do, but we'll get there!
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