First of all, gotta give the weigh-in numbers: 220.4
I feel pretty good about that, given that my weight was about 237 when I figured out I was pregnant. I just don't feel like eating much. I am eating, and I wouldn't have thought that I was eating so much less that I'd be losing weight like this, but I guess coupled with the nutrients that are going straight to the kid, it's working for me. I do need to start working out, though, or I'm going to be in pretty lousy shape (lousier shape) when the kid gets here.
Thankfully, Brendan is finally past his big milestone. After 13 months of never being sick, the kid had a wicked virus that gave him three full weeks plus some of diarrhea. Poor guy. He didn't seem to feel particularly bad, but his diapers were all slimy, nasty, and runny; he got it all over his clothes, all over us, all over the place; and he had the most horrible diaper rash imaginable. I'm surprised his little hiney wasn't bleeding, he was so raw. But he's finally better; his poo has been solid since Wednesday or so, and so I'm hoping we are out of the woods. That was pretty miserable. I hope he's done being sick for a long while.
I finally had a doctor's appointment last week. Well, nurse's appointment. I won't actually see the OB for the first time until January, when she comes back from her own maternity leave. But I had my initial consultation with the nurse. I must admit, I am a bit freaked out, because she did not pick up a fetal heartbeat with the little transducer they rub around on your tummy. She rubbed it all over the place and didn't pick up anything. She didn't seem super concerned--I would think if she really had been she would have gone and gotten the portable ultrasound machine they have and plugged it in to check, or at least would have gotten the vaginal transducer out to see what she could pick up--but still. I would have thought that I was far enough along now (heck, based on my estimate of my last period, I should be about 12 weeks) to pick up the heartbeat without any problem. Anyway, she scheduled me for a gestational ultrasound--to determine a little more accurately how far along I must be--and an ultrascreen, the test they did last time to determine likelihood of any genetic problems like Downs Syndrome. I go in for those next Monday. Cross your fingers. And cross them that the little peanut is OK in there. I would think that if something had happened, like a miscarriage or something, that my pregnancy symptoms would go away, but I'm still a little queasy and have to pee all the time, and I would think there would be some kind of sign--pain, bleeding, something. So I'm hoping the little guy or gal is still in there and just hanging out quietly for now.
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