Pool Time

Pool Time

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 28 - 1/28/09

Weigh-in: 197.6

Huh. Well, it seems that perhaps my little diet strategy is already working. And I didn't even completely stick with it yesterday! I made it to the afternoon, and when I was going to drink my second SlimFast shake, instead I went with a coworker to Backyard Burger and got a almost certainly horribly bad for me gouda burger with fries. You'd think it would have been the death knell for the day. But no, instead I found myself almost two pounds down from yesterday. Heck, if it keeps up, this whole weight loss thing should be easy! (No, I am not foolish enough to think that this is even close to real. I'll probably gain it all back tomorrow.)

On to other things. I thought it might be fun to look up baby names, even though I am not pregnant and have no immediate plans to be in such a state any time in the next few months. I went to Babynames.com (how DID people used to do this in the Stone Ages when we didn't have internet?), and looked up the most popular names from 2008. I don't know HOW they know these are the most popular names, and I don't know if this is an American site or if they consider names abroad too. But anyway, here's the listing of the top ten for boys and girls (various spellings of the same names are counted together):

1. Aiden
2. Ethan
3. Noah
4. Caden
5. Caleb
6. Braden
7. Jacob
8. Landon
9. Liam
10. Lucas

Interesting. I don't have much contact with little boys, since all my students are girls and I have only nieces in the family, but I do know a Noah, a Caleb, and a Jacob just within my husband's family (all 12 years or under). I also teach an Aidan, although she's a girl, not a boy.

Then we move on to the girls' names.

1. Ava
2. Isabella
3. Madeline
4. Emma
5. Abigail
6. Olivia
7. Lily
8. Sophia
9. Chloe
10. Ella

I know LOTS of these. My nieces are Chloe and Lily, and one's middle name is Isabelle. Within the family we have an Emma and an Ella. I have taught numerous Madelines, Emmas, Abigails, Olivias, Lilys, and Chloes.

It is an interesting departure from people my age. Boys when I was growing up were John, Mike, Dave, Brad, Chris, Jim, Matt, Dan. Girls were Jennifer, Heather, Lisa, Amy, Michelle, Angie, Kim, Melissa, Becky. While you do still hear some of those boys' names, the girls' names really seem to have shifted away.

I don't really know what names I like. Although I'd like to be different, I'd hate to saddle a child with a name that people will giggle over and harass forever. I went to school with a kid named "Justin Quiring" (get it? Just...inquiring?) and I always felt bad because people would make jokes. I wondered if his parents intended it to be funny, or if they simply weren't thinking?

It will take some pondering and some research.

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