Pool Time

Pool Time

Monday, January 12, 2009

Day 12 - 1/12/09

Weigh-in: 199.4

Eh.  I guess I should've seen it coming--I didn't do a very good job sticking to my diet yesterday.  Based on the way I ate today, tomorrow's weigh-in won't be a picnic either.

Among the many other things I'm contemplating, thinking about pregnancy, I'm wondering what I'm supposed to eat, and what I'm not.  Several questions come to mind.

1) How much weight gain is "recommended"?  I've seen a few things that say you really aren't supposed to increase your caloric intake much, by about 100 calories per trimester.  Well, what about those of us who are already overeating?  Can I just stick with the amount I'm consuming?  Could that make me lose weight?  Wow.  That would be way cool.

2) What foods are recommended?  Is there a balance of carbs, fat, and fiber that a pregnant woman is supposed to consume?

3) And what about foods that AREN'T recommended?  Are preservatives really bad?  Could a woman actually give her child a food allergy based on what she consumed (or didn't consume)?

Also, I'm wondering about medications.  Certainly you shouldn't take much in the way of medicine, definitely with regards to prescriptions.  But what about over-the-counter meds like ibuprofen or aspirin?

These are some of the things I will be researching this week.  I hope to find some reliable information out there.

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