Those are the words my older son has said to me more than once this summer.
Today is the last unofficial day of summer. Sure, fall doesn't start until three weeks from now, but with the start of school for most people either the past few weeks or tomorrow, today is the last "hurrah". No more holidays until Thanksgiving. *sigh*
So, like all my other grand schemes, my grand scheme of losing weight over the summer came to naught. I simply didn't exercise the way I needed to, and I didn't watch my eating. I managed to lose a few pounds on our vacation two weeks ago, because I didn't have as much opportunity to snack, since we were doing stuff. Then last week was my first week back to work--school started Wednesday--so I haven't had the chance to snack and I've been a little more active. I'm back to my original goal: lose 20 lbs by the end of school, which this school year is Friday, June 6. That's nine months, a little over 2 lbs per month. Here's the plan:
I really am going to try to eat better. I have a pretty good schedule, three classes in the morning, lunch and prep together in the middle, and two classes in the afternoon. Hopefully that will limit the amount of snacking I'm able to do. I'm going to try to stay out of the candy, chips, and other snacks my club sells in my classroom this year. Then, I have a three-fold exercise plan. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I will drive to school in the mornings (that will make it easier to bring the concessions those days) so that I can leave right at 3:30 and go to the Y to swim. I won't swim long, 30-45 minutes, then come home. That way I can stop at the store and pick up stuff for dinner if necessary or go to the bank on Fridays to get cash for the sitter. On Tuesdays and Thursdays my club meets after school, so I'm going to ride my bike. Not much of a workout in the mornings, since it's all down hill, but it'll be a good ride home in the afternoons, and I should still be able to be home at 5 to get the boys. Not sure how well that's going to work when the weather is bad, but we'll just have to wait and see. The third step is in the middle of the day. Since I have prep and lunch together, I would like to use part of the time for a short workout. I've tried a few "challenges", mostly things I've found on Pinterest, and I think I can take 15-30 minutes to do those, or to do one of those Leslie Sansone walking workouts. Nothing that's likely to make me super sweaty since I still have classes after lunch. But if I do that sort of early on, near the beginning of the prep time, it'll give me time to cool back down before my classes come in. I hope. We'll see. I'm so notoriously disorganized that it might really be a problem for me to give up that time, since I don't get planning or grading done any other time. But that's the plan so far. Cross your fingers...
I'm sure there's a lot of other stuff I could throw in here about the boys. Brendan is well into the evil toddler stage of life; everything is "no," or "I can't," or a meltdown. Potty training hasn't gone nearly as well as I had hoped. I thought I could have him trained by the end of the summer or at least by his birthday, but that isn't likely at this point. He just doesn't want to stop playing and take time out to go use the bathroom. His sitter does pretty well with him, it sounds like, but at home he's afraid he's going to miss out on something. You can force him to go, but then he cries. We've tried bribery with toys and treats, but he just wants the toys and treats and doesn't want to do the pottying to earn them. Ian is getting a little better about sleeping. There have been one or two nights that I actually haven't heard him all night long, more because I've probably been sleeping too deeply than because he isn't stirring, and there have been a number of nights where he has awoken but put himself back to sleep without my intervention. If he's reliably sleeping through the night by December, he'll pretty much match Brendan's sleeping pattern. I just have to hang on that long. But he's getting really good at walking, and he's started climbing too. So he'll get into the destruction that Brendan has caused very soon I'm sure. He's still whiny and clingy, although not quite as bad as he was there around his birthday. He's been teething pretty bad recently, cutting some molars in the back, so he's cried quite a bit. Just need to hit him with the ibuprofen.
So, that's where we are. School started on Wednesday, and so far it seems like the year will be pretty good. It will take some time to get to know my students, as it always does, but I have a number of repeaters this year so at least I know some of the kids already. Of course, that means that some of them already know my jokes...not good.
So, on the last unofficial day of summer, Labor Day, I am trying to absorb as much rest and relaxation as I can. Here's hoping stress burns lots of calories!
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