Haven't weighed myself in the past few days, but despite some efforts (not my best, but not my worst either), I don't think I've lost anything. Maybe when school starts next week things will start to progress.
Ian had his two-month checkup last week, and got his first shots (he didn't like them). He was over 12 lbs, and 22 1/2 inches long (so he finally hit the height that big brother was born with). The colic continues. We've tried several different formulas, different bottles, different nipples, probiotic drops, Zantac, tummy rubs, heated tummy wraps, gripe water, simethicone, rocking, swinging, swaddling, shushing...nothing has worked so far. Although maybe it would be a million times worse without all those things. No idea. But it's super frustrating. He's obviously uncomfortable, and there just isn't anything I can do. I guess it's somewhat of a relief that school starts next week. Heck, today is the last day I'm home alone with Ian--Ross has the next two days off, so we'll have a few days of that, and then Monday he'll start at the sitter's. I really hope he is better for her than he is at home, since she'll have five kids to deal with. Yowza.
Brendan's got a cold. Whee. Hopefully he'll get past it, since it's waking him up during the night. I really wish these kids would sleep better. I need some rest, and I'm not likely to get it during the school week. Argh.
Trying to balance a job, a marriage, two preschooler boys, and a weight-loss plan, when all I really want to do is take a nap.
Pool Time

Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Day 2, I guess
Today's weigh-in: 227.0
Ok, so I haven't lost any weight yet. Going to try the jogging workout again today. Probably.
Trying to think of a good reward for weight loss. You know, other than a big-ass bowl of ice cream. Hopefully I will require some new clothes. $20 per pound? That's $400 if I successfully lose the 20 lbs by the end of the school year. Is that too much? Too little? Can I afford to pull $40 bucks from my paycheck each month, especially with putting both kids in daycare this fall? We'll see.
Ok, so I haven't lost any weight yet. Going to try the jogging workout again today. Probably.
Trying to think of a good reward for weight loss. You know, other than a big-ass bowl of ice cream. Hopefully I will require some new clothes. $20 per pound? That's $400 if I successfully lose the 20 lbs by the end of the school year. Is that too much? Too little? Can I afford to pull $40 bucks from my paycheck each month, especially with putting both kids in daycare this fall? We'll see.
Friday, August 3, 2012
8 weeks old/Day One, almost
Can't believe that Ian is 8 weeks old today. Amazing. I can't believe we're all still alive, more specifically. Pretty darned tired.
Didn't weigh myself this morning. Tried working out for the first time. Despite the fact that I 1) have no intention of running a 5K any time soon and 2) despise running with all my heart, I decided to download the Couch-to-5K app for my phone and use it to start working out for the next few weeks. The workouts are 20 to 30 minutes, and the first one was just a 5 minute brisk walk for warm up, and then intervals of 1 minute of jogging and 90 seconds of walking. Not sure if there was a cool down--I would assume there was--because I didn't make it that far. How freaking sad is that? Oh, sure, I could blame it on the fact that we have company here and I had told them I was only going over to the sitter's house to pay her for the week, and I was pushing Brendan in the jogging stroller, and made it around our neighborhood faster than I thought I would, and when I rounded the corner I saw that my husband was already home. But I'll just go ahead and admit that I don't know if I could have finished the last half of the workout anyway. I stopped the second to the last jogging interval I did a few seconds early, and probably would have done the same thing again. How pathetic is it that I can't even finish the "first day off the couch" workout? Pretty sad indeed. And then, to add insult to injury, it wouldn't let me log the workout. I clicked "quit" because I figured it was more honest than fast-forwarding through the rest of the workout. It did warn me that I was quitting without finishing (thanks a lot, Captain Obvious), but it didn't say anything about not letting me record at least the part of the workout that I did do. And I wasn't even able to map the workout because my GPS wasn't working on my phone. Lame. So I'm pretty sure that even if I did have designs on competing in a 5K, I wouldn't be able to do it on their schedule. I suck. Well, even if I couldn't record the workout officially, I can at least say that yes, I did work out today. Kind of. Sigh.
Didn't weigh myself this morning. Tried working out for the first time. Despite the fact that I 1) have no intention of running a 5K any time soon and 2) despise running with all my heart, I decided to download the Couch-to-5K app for my phone and use it to start working out for the next few weeks. The workouts are 20 to 30 minutes, and the first one was just a 5 minute brisk walk for warm up, and then intervals of 1 minute of jogging and 90 seconds of walking. Not sure if there was a cool down--I would assume there was--because I didn't make it that far. How freaking sad is that? Oh, sure, I could blame it on the fact that we have company here and I had told them I was only going over to the sitter's house to pay her for the week, and I was pushing Brendan in the jogging stroller, and made it around our neighborhood faster than I thought I would, and when I rounded the corner I saw that my husband was already home. But I'll just go ahead and admit that I don't know if I could have finished the last half of the workout anyway. I stopped the second to the last jogging interval I did a few seconds early, and probably would have done the same thing again. How pathetic is it that I can't even finish the "first day off the couch" workout? Pretty sad indeed. And then, to add insult to injury, it wouldn't let me log the workout. I clicked "quit" because I figured it was more honest than fast-forwarding through the rest of the workout. It did warn me that I was quitting without finishing (thanks a lot, Captain Obvious), but it didn't say anything about not letting me record at least the part of the workout that I did do. And I wasn't even able to map the workout because my GPS wasn't working on my phone. Lame. So I'm pretty sure that even if I did have designs on competing in a 5K, I wouldn't be able to do it on their schedule. I suck. Well, even if I couldn't record the workout officially, I can at least say that yes, I did work out today. Kind of. Sigh.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
August 1, time to get started
I'll start with the boys and work my way back to me...
Brendan: is 21 months old now. How crazy is that? I think he's probably in a growth spurt again, because he's having trouble sleeping through the night again. I was surprised, though, to find out that he's still only 25 lbs. I took him in to the doctor for a cold that I thought might get croupy, and they weighed him. I would have thought for sure he'd be heavier than that. He sure SEEMS heavier than that, especially when he's doing a patented toddler go-limp-so-they-can't-carry-me-to-bed move. He's saying more words now, like "guck" (truck), fluff, hi, hello, meow, moo, woo-woo (the call of a wolf, the sound a dog makes, and the sound a fire truck makes), "nana" (banana), cheese, uh-oh, baby, and of course mama and daddy. No sentences yet, but they'll come eventually. I'm just glad he's talking. It sure seemed to take a while before he really got good at saying things. He finally started paying attention to the television, too. Not to any shows or anything, but there's a commercial for some slippers that have stuffed animal faces on them, and he'll point at them. I think I sense a birthday present... He's also such a boy: he loves power tools, trucks, and rocks. We'll probably try to get him a Big Wheel or something for his birthday or Christmas, and maybe some kid's tools too. Although I don't know if they'll satisfy him, or if he'll want the real thing. The sitter said that Brendan was pointing at the toilet yesterday (while pooping in his diaper), so maybe he's ready for some potty training. I'll have to get a potty seat. I hope it's easy. At least if he's doing most of it at the sitter's house, I won't have to do as much. I hope. :)
Ian is almost 8 weeks old; next week he'll be 2 months. He is in the throes of colic. I remember being so frustrated when Brendan would cry and I couldn't figure out why; Ian is SO MUCH WORSE. The poor kid has gas problems and spits up quite a bit. At first I thought maybe he had reflux; I took him to the doctor and they gave him a prescription for Zantac. But he almost always spits up the bottle that has the Zantac in it (and I definitely can't give it to him straight, because he'll immediately barf it back up), so I stopped giving it to him. It seems to work better to be really careful giving him a bottle, not overfeeding him, and burping him frequently. He'll still spit up a bit, but not the projectile barfing that he was doing before. It's been a couple days since he's done that. But the gas is still a problem. He'll arch his back and squeal and cry. It's really sad. I try pumping his legs, which worked with Brendan, but it doesn't always seem to help with Ian. We switched his formula to the "Gentlease" that is supposed to help with gas. It helped Brendan; it doesn't seem to have made much difference with Ian. We even got new bottles, Playtex Vent-Aire (and Dr. Brown's to try if the Playtex ones don't work), that are supposed to help with gas, spit up, and colic. It is very frustrating to have the poor kid crying and obviously distressed, with his little mouth all turned down in a frown, and not be able to do much for him. I hope he grows out of it soon. The good news is that I've had people here for several weeks, who have been more than willing to feed him, hold him, cuddle him, and play with him so that I can get some sleep and get some stuff done around the house. One of my best friends from high school and her kids were here for over a week, and the day after they left my other best friend from high school came in for another week. She'll leave tomorrow, but my in-laws will come in tonight and be here for a couple days, and Ross' aunt and uncle will be here in a few days as well. They won't be here for the whole weekend, but they'll be here off and on for the next few days and a couple of days next week. I've only got two and a half weeks before I have to go back to work, so I won't have a lot of time to myself with just Ian. I feel sorry for the sitter, though, if he's still like this in a couple of weeks: she's got a 4-year-old (almost 5), Brendan who is almost 2, a 1 1/2-year-old, a 7-month-old, and then she'll have Ian at 2 1/2 months. Crazy. Hopefully the oldest will be helpful, and hopefully Brendan will behave himself.
And now to me:
Today's weigh-in: 227.0
This is my starting point. School starts in a few weeks and gets out on May 31. That is ten months total. So my goal is to lose two pounds each month for a total weight loss of 20 lbs by the first day of next summer. Sad that a 20 lb weight loss won't even get me under 200 lbs at this point. Sheesh. I plan on walking or riding my bike to work and back each day (although when my club meets I might have to drive so I can stay until 4 for them). I also need to get on the elliptical machine, either in the morning or at night after Brendan has gone to bed. And after watching one of my friends work out with kettle bell weights while she was here (and sweat a lot doing it), I've decided I need to get some kettle bells and try some work outs with them. I just can't get to the gym with my schedule the way it is (and they can't take Ian in the nursery there yet, since he hasn't had any shots yet), so I have to work out at home. I also need to take the boys for walks in the evening, or maybe bike with Brendan. I need to cut back on snacking, but school will help me with that, since I can only eat what I have at school. Hopefully I can at least get the 20 lbs, although 50 would be nice... I'm not going to hold my breath, though...
Brendan: is 21 months old now. How crazy is that? I think he's probably in a growth spurt again, because he's having trouble sleeping through the night again. I was surprised, though, to find out that he's still only 25 lbs. I took him in to the doctor for a cold that I thought might get croupy, and they weighed him. I would have thought for sure he'd be heavier than that. He sure SEEMS heavier than that, especially when he's doing a patented toddler go-limp-so-they-can't-carry-me-to-bed move. He's saying more words now, like "guck" (truck), fluff, hi, hello, meow, moo, woo-woo (the call of a wolf, the sound a dog makes, and the sound a fire truck makes), "nana" (banana), cheese, uh-oh, baby, and of course mama and daddy. No sentences yet, but they'll come eventually. I'm just glad he's talking. It sure seemed to take a while before he really got good at saying things. He finally started paying attention to the television, too. Not to any shows or anything, but there's a commercial for some slippers that have stuffed animal faces on them, and he'll point at them. I think I sense a birthday present... He's also such a boy: he loves power tools, trucks, and rocks. We'll probably try to get him a Big Wheel or something for his birthday or Christmas, and maybe some kid's tools too. Although I don't know if they'll satisfy him, or if he'll want the real thing. The sitter said that Brendan was pointing at the toilet yesterday (while pooping in his diaper), so maybe he's ready for some potty training. I'll have to get a potty seat. I hope it's easy. At least if he's doing most of it at the sitter's house, I won't have to do as much. I hope. :)
Ian is almost 8 weeks old; next week he'll be 2 months. He is in the throes of colic. I remember being so frustrated when Brendan would cry and I couldn't figure out why; Ian is SO MUCH WORSE. The poor kid has gas problems and spits up quite a bit. At first I thought maybe he had reflux; I took him to the doctor and they gave him a prescription for Zantac. But he almost always spits up the bottle that has the Zantac in it (and I definitely can't give it to him straight, because he'll immediately barf it back up), so I stopped giving it to him. It seems to work better to be really careful giving him a bottle, not overfeeding him, and burping him frequently. He'll still spit up a bit, but not the projectile barfing that he was doing before. It's been a couple days since he's done that. But the gas is still a problem. He'll arch his back and squeal and cry. It's really sad. I try pumping his legs, which worked with Brendan, but it doesn't always seem to help with Ian. We switched his formula to the "Gentlease" that is supposed to help with gas. It helped Brendan; it doesn't seem to have made much difference with Ian. We even got new bottles, Playtex Vent-Aire (and Dr. Brown's to try if the Playtex ones don't work), that are supposed to help with gas, spit up, and colic. It is very frustrating to have the poor kid crying and obviously distressed, with his little mouth all turned down in a frown, and not be able to do much for him. I hope he grows out of it soon. The good news is that I've had people here for several weeks, who have been more than willing to feed him, hold him, cuddle him, and play with him so that I can get some sleep and get some stuff done around the house. One of my best friends from high school and her kids were here for over a week, and the day after they left my other best friend from high school came in for another week. She'll leave tomorrow, but my in-laws will come in tonight and be here for a couple days, and Ross' aunt and uncle will be here in a few days as well. They won't be here for the whole weekend, but they'll be here off and on for the next few days and a couple of days next week. I've only got two and a half weeks before I have to go back to work, so I won't have a lot of time to myself with just Ian. I feel sorry for the sitter, though, if he's still like this in a couple of weeks: she's got a 4-year-old (almost 5), Brendan who is almost 2, a 1 1/2-year-old, a 7-month-old, and then she'll have Ian at 2 1/2 months. Crazy. Hopefully the oldest will be helpful, and hopefully Brendan will behave himself.
And now to me:
Today's weigh-in: 227.0
This is my starting point. School starts in a few weeks and gets out on May 31. That is ten months total. So my goal is to lose two pounds each month for a total weight loss of 20 lbs by the first day of next summer. Sad that a 20 lb weight loss won't even get me under 200 lbs at this point. Sheesh. I plan on walking or riding my bike to work and back each day (although when my club meets I might have to drive so I can stay until 4 for them). I also need to get on the elliptical machine, either in the morning or at night after Brendan has gone to bed. And after watching one of my friends work out with kettle bell weights while she was here (and sweat a lot doing it), I've decided I need to get some kettle bells and try some work outs with them. I just can't get to the gym with my schedule the way it is (and they can't take Ian in the nursery there yet, since he hasn't had any shots yet), so I have to work out at home. I also need to take the boys for walks in the evening, or maybe bike with Brendan. I need to cut back on snacking, but school will help me with that, since I can only eat what I have at school. Hopefully I can at least get the 20 lbs, although 50 would be nice... I'm not going to hold my breath, though...
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