This morning's weigh in: 229.4
The weight has definitely piled on in the past few weeks. And I can really tell; my plantar fasciitis in my feet is killing me, my back hurts, and all my used-to-be spider veins have all turned into full-on varicose veins. Gross. I wonder if they will fix themselves, or if I'm going to need to do some kind of surgery someday to fix them. Because they look horrible--it looks like my legs are covered in bruises.
I'm still about 7-8 lbs below what I weighed when I found out I was pregnant, but they say in the last trimester an expectant mother can gain 1-2 lbs a week. I've got just over 11 weeks left. I guess I need to assume I will end up weighing about the same as I did when I had Brendan. But that will still be a net gain of less than what I gained with Brendan; with him I started at 206 and ended up at 245, so I gained nearly 40 lbs. If I start with my lowest weight while pregnant this time, about 217, and figure I may hit 245 again, that would still be only about 28 lbs. And if I figure it from the weight I was when I actually found out I was pregnant, about 237, it would only be about 8 lbs. That's not bad.
Still tired. Not getting much sleep. I'm at the point where my hips and shoulders are starting to hurt, so I'm not comfortable staying in one position for long at night. Combine that with needing to pee, and with the fact that Brendan STILL can't sleep all through the night, and I'm pretty worn out before I even start each day. Meh. And my darling husband's sleeping doesn't help either.
But I will survive. I did it before and I can do it again. I just wish I could fast-forward through the next 11 weeks, because I know it's going to get more uncomfortable before it gets any better... *sigh*
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