Pool Time

Pool Time

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The emotion of the ocean

I started wondering about my emotions while I was pregnant. I seemed to cry about things a lot more easily. I figured it was because of the hormones and because I was so tired. But the emotional rollercoaster continued after I had my baby. Then I chalked it up to hormones, exhaustion, and "baby blues" or perhaps a little postpartum depression. When I stopped breastfeeding about a month and a half ago, I really figured my emotions would go back to normal. But they haven't. I find myself tearing up during commercials. I have actually had to change channels during certain television shows. I can't watch anything that involves something unpleasant happening to a child. Death, illness, even adoption make me really upset. Also, things about parents, especially mothers, make me cry. I just don't get it. I never used to be this weepy about stuff. The hormones should be returning to normal, I'm getting at least a little more sleep (Brendan has still only slept straight through the night twice, but at least now he's only waking once or twice and not staying up for an hour and a half each time), so why am I so darned emotional? It's been nine months since I gave birth. Shouldn't this be getting easier?

Makes me want to cry.

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