No official weigh-in for me, because I haven't been working out or eating as well as I should. Haven't done much cardio, although I did crunches and flutter kicks today. I started on the elliptical machine this week, but I haven't done much (seriously; I started with one minute on Monday, two on Tuesday, three on Wednesday, and I need to do four minutes today at some point).
No official weigh-in for Brendan yet either, although he does have a checkup coming up sometime in the next few weeks. However, I did my unofficial "weigh myself holding him and then not holding him and do some math", and he's about 15 lbs. He'll be 15 weeks on Saturday. His weight puts him somewhere around the 75th percentile. Not too bad. Still, I kind of want to fatten him up a bit, and I've been feeling like I'm not producing as much milk as I need to keep up with him, so I've ordered some More Milk Plus, which is a supplement that contains fenugreek, a galactagogue that increases milk production. A good friend is using it and says it really helps. It's also been recommended to me by a number of people, so I figured I'd try it out. I don't have it yet, but I'll definitely blog about its efficacy.
Something unusual seems to be going on with the boy's digestive system. For some reason, he's not pooping regularly anymore. Over the weekend, he went two days without pooping. My husband even came home from the pharmacy with a laxative and a glycerine suppository in case we needed to "grease the wheels", so to speak, but he finally produced on his own (boy, did he. Yikes). But now, he hasn't pooped since at least Monday. He has farted off and on, although not more than usual, so I know things should be able to get through. I did give him a little of the liquid laxative this morning, only .25 ml. It says it should work in 6-12 hours, so I've still got four hours. I hope he doesn't exceed his diaper's capacity; he did move up to the larger size (size 2, 12-18 lbs) this week. If it's like it was last time, it'll be pretty impressive. Ew.
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