I'm 37 weeks (and 2 days) today. Had my checkup this morning, and the doctor was super-pleased that my blood pressure continues to be a non-issue. She said she was sure I'd be having problems with pre-eclampsia by now. Instead, nothing! Spud continues to grow--my OB estimated that he's about 8 lbs NOW (to say nothing of what he might be in three weeks) and probably about 21 or 22 inches long. So he's tall, not wide. That's probably a good thing as far as delivery is concerned. She reiterated that, if he gets really big, she may have to do a "vaginal bypass" (c-section), but that it may not be a problem because I have "good hips". I think that means I'm not a petite flower. :/ Oh well!
My Group B strep test turns out to also be a non-issue--I'm negative, which means no antibiotics needed during my delivery. The fewer IVs and needles I'm exposed to, the better. So that's also good news!
I continue to be disappointed by the fact that, although Brendan has dropped into his "starting" position, I'm not dilated at all. Cervix closed. My OB was still upbeat about it: she said, "You know, very soon your cervix will realize it's fighting a losing battle and just give it up." I think that means that, with continued pressure from Brendan's head, my cervix will realize it's time to boogey and start to efface. Hopefully that's what she meant! Anyway, she said I should expect to start feeling the occasional contraction (as opposed to those stupid Braxton Hicks contractions that I will be so happy to be done with) soon. Fingers crossed. I'm really ready to get this show on the road. There's still lots to do in the house to get ready, but I'm definitely anxious to have him here (and to start sleeping on my tummy again).
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