Today's weigh-in: 209.8
Well, perhaps I shouldn't have eaten a burger AND a bratwurst for dinner last night. Oh well.
On to other things. Last Tuesday I had my "ultrascreen". We met with their genetic counselor, who explained that the purpose of the ultrascreen is to determine a likelihood of genetic problems, such as Downs Syndrome and other trisomy chromosomal defects. Basically, there are always possibilities of chromosomal defects, but since I'm over 35, my eggs are a bit old and stale, so they have the potential to suffer from more defects than the eggs of a younger woman. There's that "advanced maternal age" deal again. *sigh*
Anyway, it was really awesome. We got to see the baby move, a lot (which could bode unwell for me later in the pregnancy), we got to hear the heartbeat, and the tech FINALLY got the measurements she needed (after several HOURS!!! My abdomen was sooo tender afterward). They gave us a couple of pictures and sent us on our way.
At that point, only our parents and my brother knew about the pregnancy. I really wanted to wait until we got the results back from the ultrascreen before we told anyone else, but my husband and I figured that we should go ahead and tell his brother and sister and grandparents. I mean, even a genetic problem won't change the fact that I'm pregnant. We still aren't telling the masses or anything, but we figured if we waited longer my sister-in-law would really be mad. She tends to take things personally.
So we called my brother-in-law and then my sister-in-law (a mistake; should've called her first; she's mad). Then my husband called his grandparents, since they're getting older and we figured they'd appreciate the news (we're not the only grandkids who are expecting; my husband's cousin and his wife are due next month, I think). But no aunts, no uncles, no cousins, no friends or anything like that yet.
EXCEPT FOR three of my mother-in-law's fiends. She and her friends were here for the weekend to do some shopping. We met up with them on Friday night at a nice restaurant for dinner. During dinner, my father-in-law accidentally spilled our secret. We were talking about birthdays, and my father-in-law said, "Well I think it would be neat if the baby was born on your mother's birthday." (I am due the day after what would have been my mom's 67th birthday.) He had no idea he had just dropped the ball. All my mother-in-law's friends shot her looks. My husband and I shot each other looks. And my father-in-law continued in blissful ignorance of what he had done. After dinner I told my mother-in-law that she could go ahead and fill in the blanks, asking her friends to not spread the news just yet. They were really nice about it, and congratulatory to us on Sunday as they headed out of town. So it wasn't really a disaster or anything, but still, we had hoped to keep it a bit more secret than it ended up being.
Anyway, we should hopefully have the results of our ultrascreen in the next couple of days. I had a brief appointment today, pretty much just a checkup with a pap smear (meh), to make sure everything still looks good. They got on the portable ultrasound and looked at the baby (still moving around, always a good thing), so it seems that everything is still on track. The clinic will be scheduling an appointment for me with a fetal medicine specialist to make sure my blood pressure is not going to be a problem (and I get to spend yesterday collecting my urine to check my kidneys for damage from hypertension, hooray), but otherwise I've got my monthly checkup scheduled for May, and another ultrasound scheduled in June. Everything seems to be progressing. Keep your fingers crossed!
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