Pool Time

Pool Time

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Day 352 - 12/19/09


First of all, I don't have an official weigh-in number, but I've been sitting right around 205. So I haven't lost any weight since we moved; I've gained a bit. I was doing really well, running every morning, until it got cold. Running in the cold is not fun; it makes my throat sore and my lungs burn. We got an elliptical machine, but I haven't used it nearly enough to make things any better. And I haven't curbed my eating like I should.

So I'm looking at starting the new year in pretty much the same place that I did last January. I need to lose weight.

But there's a new twist to things. Namely, we've decided that we really can't put off anymore the original purpose of this blog, which is PARENTHOOD. Having both turned 35 this past year, our biological clocks are, in the words of Marisa Tomei, ticking like THIS! As it stands, if I were to get pregnant in the next month or so, I would be able to deliver before turning 36 in October, but that basically puts us a 40-year-olds with a 4-year-old, and that would be the first child. What about any subsequent kids? If we're going to have the energy to be parents, we need to get a move on, so to speak.

So we've decided that, despite not having made any headway on the weightloss front, we are going to go ahead and let my birth control pill prescription lapse this month. As a matter of fact, today will be the final pill I will take. I am still taking my blood pressure medication, but I am going to try and let that one lapse as well, probably next month. This means I MUST LOSE WEIGHT ASAP. I have to get my blood pressure under control so that I don't need the meds. I need to get on the elliptical machine, and I need to go purchase some hand weights so I can lift.

So here I go again, as Whitesnake observed. This is for real. If only people would stop offering me Christmas cookies.

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