Today's weigh-in: 230.6. So much for making progress.
I haven't worked out yet. Just can't seem to get around to it in the afternoons. Haven't been able to take advantage of that extra hour in the afternoons. I think I'm going to start getting up earlier, maybe. The time change is coming up this weekend, fall back and all that, so I'll be getting an extra hour of sleep in the mornings. At least, that's what I'm telling myself. I've gotta do something. Part of the problem has been candy. I have started selling candy and soda out of my classroom to help fund the club I sponsor, and because I've used a fair bit of my own money to purchase the candy in the first place, I have taken some of what I have been owed in trade. And of course now I have Halloween candy too. Great.
Brendan turned two last week. We had a great time. He got a tricycle, and he can already sort of peddle it. He got plenty of other presents too, of course. I made him an Elmo cake. I was pretty pleased at how it turned out. If I can get a few more cakes under my belt (ha ha), I'll be pretty good at this.
I need more sleep...