OK, so I'm a week late on my post. Sue me.
October 1's weigh in: 228.4. So I did manage to lose a little weight in September. I need to pull up the previous blog posts to see how much. But a loss is a loss. I'll take it.
Today's weigh-in: 227.4 . I guess I'm making progress. I still haven't worked out, and I haven't even really watched what I've eaten, so I'm pretty sure the weight loss isn't permanent.
On the kid front, we're switching Brendan to his "big boy" bed . He actually slept in it for the first time last night. It went pretty well, although it was hard to get him to calm down at bedtime. He had picked out some Cars 2 sheets and a comforter. He took pretty much every toy he owns and put them in his bed. He did wake up four or five times last night, but he's been doing that anyway. I thought maybe he'd get out of his bed and try to get out of his bedroom, but that didn't happen. It DID happen when we tried to get him to take a nap this afternoon. He wouldn't stay in the bed, and it took probably an hour before he settled down and stayed in the bed to go to sleep. I hope he does OK tonight.
We've left the crib assembled in his room for now, because it seemed like a good idea to have a backup plan if the bed wasn't a rousing success. We'll let it go again tonight, and if things go OK, we'll take the crib apart and move it to Ian's room. I had Ian sleep flat on the bassinet mattress last night instead of in the lounger pillow. He has gotten big enough and squirmy enough that he slides down out of the pillow at night, and it probably doesn't help keep his airway open (which was the whole point in the first place). The downside is that he still squirms around a lot and actually moves himself around on the mattress. In the little bassinet, there isn't enough room; he eventually ends up against the side. The crib will be better. I hope. I do worry that he'll wake Brendan up when he wakes up, and I don't look forward to having to walk out into the hall, make his bottle in the hall bathroom, and sit in his room to feed him. It would be much nicer to keep feeding him in our bed. But I guess from a sleep perspective it'll be nice to sleep in a room that doesn't have a sound machine and night light on all the time. Of course, we'll have TWO sound machines running over monitors, so it won't be exactly quiet...
We've had our first snow of the year. Winter is on its way. Here's hoping I lose the winter fat instead of gaining it...