Didn't weigh-in this morning. I'm sure it wouldn't have been pretty if I had.
Anyway, tomorrow begins my summer, officially. While I will have a few variations in my schedule, here's what I'm contemplating:
6:00 a.m. (or so) My husband's alarm should go off (the first time). I'll get up and take the dog for a walk, and get my gym gear together. I'll eat something quick and head out to the gym. It's possible I might head out earlier, if he wants to go to the gym as well.
7:00-10:00 I will hit the gym and do a combination of swimming, weights, racquetball, and other cardio.
10:00-11:00 Shower and get dressed, run any errands I need to run while I'm out, and head home.
11:00-12:00 Lunch and minor housekeeping (like laundry and dishes).
12:00-1:00 Practice guitar, crochet, video games, or whatever.
1:00-2:30 Major housekeeping jobs, like sweeping, dusting, vacuuming, and general organization. A major job that needs accomplishing is the organization of the kitchen cabinets.
2:30-4:00 School work. Assuming I am still teaching at the same school this coming school year (my husband has been interviewing with some out-of-town jobs so it's possible we might move), I am making some significant changes to the curriculum I've taught for the past seven years, and I need to get it all ironed out ahead of time.
4:00-5:30 This will be time for my afternoon working out. I might go skating, or biking, or running (assuming it isn't ridiculously hot), or perhaps even do some of my cardio videos either on DVD or On-Demand TV (walking workouts and Turbo Jam, a kind of martial arts/hip hop workout).
5:30-6:00 Get dinner ready. I need to work on some recipes that are easy to make and not calorie-intensive.
6:00-10:00 Whatever. I need to spend more time with my husband; I neglect him a lot, and I shouldn't.
So, that's the plan. Can I stick with it? No idea. But let's give it a shot...
Trying to balance a job, a marriage, two preschooler boys, and a weight-loss plan, when all I really want to do is take a nap.
Pool Time

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Day 146 - 5/26/09
Wow. I'm a total slacker. But I've been really busy with end-of-the-school-year stuff and just haven't had any reason to blog.
Anyway, nothing going on in the weight loss area either. Today's weigh-in: 196.2. Meh.
But the good news is, I will be starting up my new diet and weight loss routine on Thursday, after my end-of-the-year school activities are over. I just need to figure out what that routine IS.
Anyway, nothing going on in the weight loss area either. Today's weigh-in: 196.2. Meh.
But the good news is, I will be starting up my new diet and weight loss routine on Thursday, after my end-of-the-year school activities are over. I just need to figure out what that routine IS.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Day 126 - 5/6/09
Weigh-in: ??
Did not have a chance to weigh-in this morning, because I was running late (having your beauty sleep interrupted by wailing tornado sirens does not do good things to your morning schedule). But I'm sure it was as crappy as every other weigh-in has been lately. It's been pretty depressing, really. I mean, I've been sweating working out, so I know it should have some impact on my waistline, but I simply have nothing to show for it. Meh.
Anyway, I'm not the only one who has hit a serious slump. Actress Kirstie Alley, whom I have been fond of ever since her days on Cheers and her appearance in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, had notoriously plumped up in the late 1990's and early 2000's, then lost 75 lbs as a spokesperson for Jenny Craig.
Poor Kirstie has hit a new low, er, high, er, whatever, after severing ties with the company. Here is an article from People about her fall from grace.
KIRSTIE ALLEY: "YES, I GAINED 83 POUNDS" by Elizabeth Leonard, 5/6/09
When Kirstie Alley stepped on the scale for the first time in 15 months, it wasn't pretty. "I started screaming," recalls Alley, sipping homemade fruit-infused water in her Hollywood kitchen. "It said 228 lbs., which is my highest weight ever. I was so much more disgusting than I thought!"
But looking back, Alley, 58, is hardly shocked. During her three-year stint as a Jenny Craig spokeswoman, she famously trimmed down to 145 lbs. after losing and keeping off 75 lbs. But since parting ways with the company in 2007, she had not worked out and banished her gym equipment to the garage. As for her diet, her small, low-calorie portions gave way to Chinese takeout and pasta drenched with butter. "I fell off the horse," says the 5'8" star.
Today, Alley says she is primed to hire a trainer, toss the butter and sign up for a triathlon in order to whittle her "schlumpy" figure back down to a bikini-ready 140 lbs. "I'm going to have to work harder than last time," she says, but "I'm way excited." In a candid interview, Alley sat down with PEOPLE's Elizabeth Leonard to talk about how she piled on the pounds – and how she plans to get her body, confidence and – yes! – even her groove back.
Okay, how did this happen?
It started with New Year's [2008], right after leaving Jenny Craig. When you're a spokesperson for Jenny Craig, there's responsibility. You have a person every week standing over you when you get on the scale, and I did it naked because those panties could weigh 30 lbs.! It was amazingly successful. But the first nail in the coffin was that I didn't have to weigh in. I just sort of went wild.
Did you go right back to indulging in cakes and pies the way you did the first time you let yourself go?
It wasn't the exact same M.O. My food demons are Chinese food, sugar, butter. A lot of butter. If I'm at the movies, usually I eat popcorn without butter, but I'd say, "I'm at the movies, so who cares?" And toast with butter. Or let's say I had two cups of pasta and six tablespoons of butter on it. There was a lot of butter going on.
What else would you eat?
For seven months I was a vegetarian, and I can't tell you how much weight I gained being a vegetarian! A vegetarian would probably be eating vegetables. But to me being a vegetarian meant I'm going to eat enchiladas with no meat, and I'm going to eat lots of bread, lots of carbs.
What weight do you want to get down to?
I have to be below 140 to really look good. I have to work my legs like crazy. Actually, do you want my real goal? My real goal's always too low. I love the way I look at, like, 128. One time on Cheers, I weighed about 148 lbs., and they told me to lose, like, 20 lbs. Now, I'm 5'8", so at 148 lbs., I wasn't fat. But they're saying, "You know, you need to lose 20 lbs." So what does that put me at? 128. That's where I keep getting this number.
Are you self-conscious?
I'm totally inhibited. When I'm overweight I will not go out. With my closest friends, yeah. But you wouldn't see me at a premiere.
But you seem ready to turn your life around.
I'm ready to work. I messed up along the way, but I'm not going to concentrate on that. I'm gonna go, "You know what? Get back on the horse, lose the freakin' weight, and then just move forward!"
My story isn't all that dissimilar from Kirstie's, except for the whole being a famous actress part. I too am about 5'8", and I too went from about 150 lbs (my high school graduation weight) to a low of 125 lbs (when I had an eating disorder) and all the way up to over 220 lbs (when I realized I looked HORRIBLE and had to do something to change it). I also have an addiction to the kinds of food that pretty much make it impossible to lose weight: Chinese food, carbs, butter, starches, sugar, all the good stuff.
So, if Kirstie can try to lose the weight again, why can't I? What does she have that I don't have? (Besides the money to pay a personal trainer and a personal nutritionist and a personal chef, that is.) *sigh* Me and Kirstie, starting over.
Did not have a chance to weigh-in this morning, because I was running late (having your beauty sleep interrupted by wailing tornado sirens does not do good things to your morning schedule). But I'm sure it was as crappy as every other weigh-in has been lately. It's been pretty depressing, really. I mean, I've been sweating working out, so I know it should have some impact on my waistline, but I simply have nothing to show for it. Meh.
Anyway, I'm not the only one who has hit a serious slump. Actress Kirstie Alley, whom I have been fond of ever since her days on Cheers and her appearance in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, had notoriously plumped up in the late 1990's and early 2000's, then lost 75 lbs as a spokesperson for Jenny Craig.
Poor Kirstie has hit a new low, er, high, er, whatever, after severing ties with the company. Here is an article from People about her fall from grace.
KIRSTIE ALLEY: "YES, I GAINED 83 POUNDS" by Elizabeth Leonard, 5/6/09
When Kirstie Alley stepped on the scale for the first time in 15 months, it wasn't pretty. "I started screaming," recalls Alley, sipping homemade fruit-infused water in her Hollywood kitchen. "It said 228 lbs., which is my highest weight ever. I was so much more disgusting than I thought!"
But looking back, Alley, 58, is hardly shocked. During her three-year stint as a Jenny Craig spokeswoman, she famously trimmed down to 145 lbs. after losing and keeping off 75 lbs. But since parting ways with the company in 2007, she had not worked out and banished her gym equipment to the garage. As for her diet, her small, low-calorie portions gave way to Chinese takeout and pasta drenched with butter. "I fell off the horse," says the 5'8" star.
Today, Alley says she is primed to hire a trainer, toss the butter and sign up for a triathlon in order to whittle her "schlumpy" figure back down to a bikini-ready 140 lbs. "I'm going to have to work harder than last time," she says, but "I'm way excited." In a candid interview, Alley sat down with PEOPLE's Elizabeth Leonard to talk about how she piled on the pounds – and how she plans to get her body, confidence and – yes! – even her groove back.
Okay, how did this happen?
It started with New Year's [2008], right after leaving Jenny Craig. When you're a spokesperson for Jenny Craig, there's responsibility. You have a person every week standing over you when you get on the scale, and I did it naked because those panties could weigh 30 lbs.! It was amazingly successful. But the first nail in the coffin was that I didn't have to weigh in. I just sort of went wild.
Did you go right back to indulging in cakes and pies the way you did the first time you let yourself go?
It wasn't the exact same M.O. My food demons are Chinese food, sugar, butter. A lot of butter. If I'm at the movies, usually I eat popcorn without butter, but I'd say, "I'm at the movies, so who cares?" And toast with butter. Or let's say I had two cups of pasta and six tablespoons of butter on it. There was a lot of butter going on.
What else would you eat?
For seven months I was a vegetarian, and I can't tell you how much weight I gained being a vegetarian! A vegetarian would probably be eating vegetables. But to me being a vegetarian meant I'm going to eat enchiladas with no meat, and I'm going to eat lots of bread, lots of carbs.
What weight do you want to get down to?
I have to be below 140 to really look good. I have to work my legs like crazy. Actually, do you want my real goal? My real goal's always too low. I love the way I look at, like, 128. One time on Cheers, I weighed about 148 lbs., and they told me to lose, like, 20 lbs. Now, I'm 5'8", so at 148 lbs., I wasn't fat. But they're saying, "You know, you need to lose 20 lbs." So what does that put me at? 128. That's where I keep getting this number.
Are you self-conscious?
I'm totally inhibited. When I'm overweight I will not go out. With my closest friends, yeah. But you wouldn't see me at a premiere.
But you seem ready to turn your life around.
I'm ready to work. I messed up along the way, but I'm not going to concentrate on that. I'm gonna go, "You know what? Get back on the horse, lose the freakin' weight, and then just move forward!"
My story isn't all that dissimilar from Kirstie's, except for the whole being a famous actress part. I too am about 5'8", and I too went from about 150 lbs (my high school graduation weight) to a low of 125 lbs (when I had an eating disorder) and all the way up to over 220 lbs (when I realized I looked HORRIBLE and had to do something to change it). I also have an addiction to the kinds of food that pretty much make it impossible to lose weight: Chinese food, carbs, butter, starches, sugar, all the good stuff.
So, if Kirstie can try to lose the weight again, why can't I? What does she have that I don't have? (Besides the money to pay a personal trainer and a personal nutritionist and a personal chef, that is.) *sigh* Me and Kirstie, starting over.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Day 125 - 5/5/09
Weigh-in: 196.6
Some big disappointments lately. Obviously one would be my weight. Despite my working out four times each week, I haven't lost a lick. It's very frustrating. Clearly I need to rethink my diet. That HAS to be a significant part of the problem.
The other disappointment is my blood pressure. I have been taking a fairly low dosage of Lisinopril for several years, but I know that blood pressure medication is something they prefer a pregnant woman not take due to its possible effects on the fetus. So I was curious the other day to see what my unmedicated pressure might be. I hadn't taken my medication for several days, so I took my bp. 146/98. The first number is definitely high, but that could be attributed to my being overweight and having eaten Chinese food the night before. But the second number, which is the one that tends to be more heredity than anything else, was WAY too high. Very unfortunate. I was hoping I had made more progress than this.
So I still have lots of work to do, and I have made pretty much ZERO progress. And now I have less than three weeks until school gets out. Guess I need to revamp my goals, AGAIN. *sigh*
Some big disappointments lately. Obviously one would be my weight. Despite my working out four times each week, I haven't lost a lick. It's very frustrating. Clearly I need to rethink my diet. That HAS to be a significant part of the problem.
The other disappointment is my blood pressure. I have been taking a fairly low dosage of Lisinopril for several years, but I know that blood pressure medication is something they prefer a pregnant woman not take due to its possible effects on the fetus. So I was curious the other day to see what my unmedicated pressure might be. I hadn't taken my medication for several days, so I took my bp. 146/98. The first number is definitely high, but that could be attributed to my being overweight and having eaten Chinese food the night before. But the second number, which is the one that tends to be more heredity than anything else, was WAY too high. Very unfortunate. I was hoping I had made more progress than this.
So I still have lots of work to do, and I have made pretty much ZERO progress. And now I have less than three weeks until school gets out. Guess I need to revamp my goals, AGAIN. *sigh*
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